This is our story......
Palm/Passion Sunday
Year B
Mark 11:1-11
Mark 14:1-15:47
Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday brings together two separate Gospel readings
which seem like opposite sides of a coin.
Before the service, and outside the Chapel, our little community gathers
to bless the palm crosses and to hear the story of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus
into Jerusalem: the donkey, the waving
palms and the jubilant crowds.
Hosanna in the
Highest Heaven!
Blessed is the one
who comes in the name of the Lord!
Later in the service, the regular Gospel reading of the day, long and
dark, begins when an unnamed woman (in Mark’s version) breaks open an alabaster
box of perfume and anoints Jesus. The
anointing at Bethany, for three of the four Gospels, is the opening salvo of
the Passion Narrative – a story in which God’s will for the world is worked out
in the flesh and blood of sacrifice. The
joyful crowds are replaced by scornful onlookers and Jesus remains largely
silent throughout.
The preacher is oftentimes enjoined to preach quite lightly on this
Sunday and throughout Holy Week. What would
the preacher have to add, after all? Let the story do its work! Let the crowds follow along!
In the earlier Palm Sunday story, the congregation follows physically as
they make their way up and down church aisles or, in our case in Clermont,
around the little chapel in Royat. In
the later Passion Narrative, they follow again (this time, imaginatively) the
remaining disciples, the soldiers, the weeping women of the city and the mother
of our Lord as they wind their way through the streets of Jerusalem on their
way to Calvary. What is there to do but
to watch and to be there together as this story moves to its conclusion?
In his betrayal, Judas might have said that he has done what he must. In his denial, Simon Peter has done what came
most naturally to him in a moment of fear and panic. The crowds appear to have been
manipulated. The disciples are helpless. Even though Pilate is sitting in the
judgement seat, even he appears not to be in control. The story takes on a form of its own – we will
have time to discuss and interpret it – we must first merely take our place in
line and follow it as participants.
We are there, after all. As
failed disciples or as members of a pitiless mob or as bureaucrats and
functionaries who take the path of least resistance. We are there. This is our story. We are there, more importantly though, as the
ones for whom Jesus undertook this lonely pilgrimage. We are the ones whom God loves – the ones he has
elected to save despite themselves.
Any realism which touches on our sin and insufficiency is must be
underpinned by the larger point of the story.
God decided not to leave us in
our sins. This is our story in that way
as well.